Our Consignment Terms

Store Fashion Style

  • We accept gently worn or new-with-tags women's clothing, shoes, handbags, and jewelry.
  • Due to limited store space, we are selective on what inventory we can accept.
  • Items should be seasonal, current style (purchased in the last 1 - 4 years) or vintage-1970-1990’s.
  • Clothing, shoes & handbags need to be in ready-for-sale condition; CLEAN, without tears,stains or damage.
  • Please check your inventory ahead of time. We want to give your items the best opportunity to sell!
  • We sell/accept mid-to-high-end brands in very good to excellent condition.

Store Fashion Style

  • Casual chic, fashionable, well made clothing & shoes
  • Designer handbags, boots, cashmere sweaters, jackets and high end jeans
  • Business & formal attire and very high heels are NOT selling at this time
  • Brands we take: Theory, Trina Turk, Veronica Beard, Xirena, AGOLDE, Mother, Frame, Patagonia, Vince, DVF, LuluLemon, SEA, Athleta, Tory Burch, Equipment, Velvet by Graham & Spencer, Prada, Chanel, etc
  • We DO NOT accept fast fashion brands: Gap, H&M, Old Navy, INC., Uniqlo, Loft, Target brands, etc

When We Accept Inventory

  • Consignment hours are 11:30- 4 PM, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 12- 4 on Sunday
  • PLEASE call ahead before dropping off inventory. We need time to carefully inspect clothing
  • We’ll email you an inventory receipt once we log in your inventory. Items with defects will be returned

What is the consignment percentage breakdown?

  • Consignors earn 45% in cash/cash equivalent or 50% in Store Credit of the final price of sold items, net any applicable credit card fees
  • Consignors receive 55% of the sale price for high end handbags
  • Consignors may apply earned commissions in the form of store credit at any time

What happens if an item doesn't sell?

  • We mark items down for occasional sales
  • Unsold items will be returned at the end of the consignment period (3 months). Some items are kept longer.
  • We will notify you when we have inventory to return.
  • After the 2nd reminder, any uncollected items will be donated to one of the Bay Area charity partners.

Potential Loss & Damage:

  • The store is not responsible for goods that are damaged or stolen while in the store