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Our Consignment Terms
Store Fashion Style
We accept gently worn or new-with-tags women's clothing, shoes, handbags, and jewelry.
Due to limited store space, we are selective on what inventory we can accept.
Items should be seasonal, current style (purchased in the last 1 - 4 years) or vintage-1970-1990’s.
Clothing, shoes & handbags need to be in ready-for-sale condition; CLEAN, without tears,stains or damage.
Please check your inventory ahead of time. We want to give your items the best opportunity to sell!
We sell/accept mid-to-high-end brands in very good to excellent condition.
Store Fashion Style
Casual chic, fashionable, well made clothing & shoes
Designer handbags, boots, cashmere sweaters, jackets and high end jeans
Business & formal attire and very high heels are NOT selling at this time
Brands we take
: Theory, Trina Turk, Veronica Beard, Xirena, AGOLDE, Mother, Frame, Patagonia, Vince, DVF, LuluLemon, SEA, Athleta, Tory Burch, Equipment, Velvet by Graham & Spencer, Prada, Chanel, etc
We DO NOT accept fast fashion brands:
Gap, H&M, Old Navy, INC., Uniqlo, Loft, Target brands, etc
When We Accept Inventory
Consignment hours are 11:30- 4 PM, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. 12- 4 on Sunday
PLEASE call ahead before dropping off inventory. We need time to carefully inspect clothing
We’ll email you an inventory receipt once we log in your inventory. Items with defects will be returned
What is the consignment percentage breakdown?
Consignors earn 45% in cash/cash equivalent or 50% in Store Credit of the final price of sold items, net any applicable credit card fees
Consignors receive 55% of the sale price for high end handbags
Consignors may apply earned commissions in the form of store credit at any time
What happens if an item doesn't sell?
We mark items down for occasional sales
Unsold items will be returned at the end of the consignment period (3 months). Some items are kept longer.
We will notify you when we have inventory to return.
After the 2nd reminder, any uncollected items will be donated to one of the Bay Area charity partners.
Potential Loss & Damage:
The store is not responsible for goods that are damaged or stolen while in the store